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coming soon.....will post a new plant .... As a mark of recognition to this blog, I will introduce some kind of agricultural products, especially vegetables to be shared with the bloggers who are in the same field. In times to come, I will turn to other sub-topics that are related to agriculture. So, DO NOT MISSED ....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

King of Salads

Local people call it a king of salads. This plant  is a species of herb and containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium and vitamin A.
This time, type of salad vegetables was not yet known. It may be due to the lack of production of these vegetables. So far, it has only demand from local restaurants and hotels.

  The use of silver shine to control of weed and also saves time.

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Beans are a type of legumes that can be eaten. Fruits, seeds, and leaves are used as vegetables.
Beans are vegetables that are rich in protein and vitamins to help lower blood pressure and regulate blood sugar metabolism. These vegetables are very suitable for consumption by those who are suffering from diabetes or hypertension. Content of beans is high in fiber and enzymes that will help weight loss. (Source: Wikipedia)

Bean of trees in the early growth.

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Monday, May 23, 2011


Celery is one kind of leafy vegetable that is widely used in savory dishes as a garnish or in food. It can be planted either in the lowlands or cold climates.

Celery or parsley is a soft stem vegetables rich in iron,phosphorus, sodium, potassium, carotene, vitamin A, B-complexand C and magnesium. The leaves are known as Apiumgraveolens and comes from a family umbelliferae Dulce.
 Celery plants take between 30-45 days before they can be harvested. Before transfer-planting, it should be sown from seeds for 25-30 days depending on care and disease control.
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Strawberry (Fragaria) is a genus of the Rosaceae family. There are more than 20 species and several hybrids and cultivars. (Source: Wikipedia)
The red color of fruit means rich in anthocyanin pigments of high color. 
 In addition to antioxidants, it is also rich in fiber, low in calories and contain vitamin C, folate, potassium, and ellagic acid.

Strawberry trees can be planted directly on the soil surface and covered with silver shine so as to control weeds.
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Cherry Tomato

Cherry Tomato plants are among the options other than ordinary tomatoes. It takes its name from the cherry because of the size of small fruit such as cherries.
Tomatoes are a variety of colors but red is the color favorite.The red color is caused by lycopene, a carotenoid or naturalcompounds.  
Tomato fruit has many natural nutrients andantioxidants that promote good health.
Tree tomatoes need support to grow upright and can support the weight of tomato fruits. Wood and rope is the best choice for the advocacy.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Green Onion

Green Onion - also known as scallions are derived from the family Liliaceae. Seeds sown in the first 25-30 days before planting transferred. After the transfer of planting, it takes between 30-45 days to harvest.
Seedlings of Green Onions.

Onion leaves contain many saponins, tannins, and essential oil. With these contents, chives nutritious to relieve abdominal bloating, coughing, colds, shortness of breath, diuretics, diaforetik, joint pain and anti-inflammatory, eliminates swelling due to ulcers, insect bites and eliminate free.

In cooking, green onions are used in various dishes as either a main dish or as a garnish.

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Friday, May 20, 2011


Asparagus - also known as asparagus officinalis is derived from the Liliaceae family, is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins A and C and niacin. It also contains elements of both tiriod gland, pineal, and adrenal, heart, liver, lung, spleen, pancreas and skin.

Asparagus contains a substance called asparajin which allows the system to remove the body of toxic wastes. Acne is one of dermatology problems arising from malnutrition and too much fatty and sugary foods. By making Aspragus juice containing high alkali, acne problems can be solved in addition to clean our skin.

Usually asparagus grown from seeds. It can also be grown from rhizome cuttings. Seeds are sown in polybags. Seeds will germinate within 1 to 2 weeks. Seedling stage takes about 2 to 3 months.

During sowing, seeds asparagus requires a temperature between 15oC to 30oC for germination is high. The current temperature should be planted in the fields of 22oC to 28oC in the daytime and 17oC to 22oC at night.

Asparagus tree is 6 months old, it grows upright and can reach heights up to about 2 meters and ramify. The leaves are smooth, such as needles, out of the book.

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more about Capsicum Annuum

Another shape of Capsicum Annuum Fruit...

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Capsicum Annuum

Capsicum Annuum - Is a type of fruit vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Also has a spicy flavor capsaisin causes. Antioxidants contained in fruit is believed to act as anti-cancer.
Capsicum annuum grown in an orderly manner for ease of care and saving space.

Capsicum Annuum fruit after harvested.

Capsicum annuum plants need rain resistant protection structures to control soil moisture and the sun's UV rays. Harvesting the fruit is usually started after two months of transplanting. This plant can produce fruit until the year if treated and controlled with a systematic.

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