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coming soon.....will post a new plant .... As a mark of recognition to this blog, I will introduce some kind of agricultural products, especially vegetables to be shared with the bloggers who are in the same field. In times to come, I will turn to other sub-topics that are related to agriculture. So, DO NOT MISSED ....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Green Onion

Green Onion - also known as scallions are derived from the family Liliaceae. Seeds sown in the first 25-30 days before planting transferred. After the transfer of planting, it takes between 30-45 days to harvest.
Seedlings of Green Onions.

Onion leaves contain many saponins, tannins, and essential oil. With these contents, chives nutritious to relieve abdominal bloating, coughing, colds, shortness of breath, diuretics, diaforetik, joint pain and anti-inflammatory, eliminates swelling due to ulcers, insect bites and eliminate free.

In cooking, green onions are used in various dishes as either a main dish or as a garnish.

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