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coming soon.....will post a new plant .... As a mark of recognition to this blog, I will introduce some kind of agricultural products, especially vegetables to be shared with the bloggers who are in the same field. In times to come, I will turn to other sub-topics that are related to agriculture. So, DO NOT MISSED ....

Friday, May 20, 2011


Asparagus - also known as asparagus officinalis is derived from the Liliaceae family, is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins A and C and niacin. It also contains elements of both tiriod gland, pineal, and adrenal, heart, liver, lung, spleen, pancreas and skin.

Asparagus contains a substance called asparajin which allows the system to remove the body of toxic wastes. Acne is one of dermatology problems arising from malnutrition and too much fatty and sugary foods. By making Aspragus juice containing high alkali, acne problems can be solved in addition to clean our skin.

Usually asparagus grown from seeds. It can also be grown from rhizome cuttings. Seeds are sown in polybags. Seeds will germinate within 1 to 2 weeks. Seedling stage takes about 2 to 3 months.

During sowing, seeds asparagus requires a temperature between 15oC to 30oC for germination is high. The current temperature should be planted in the fields of 22oC to 28oC in the daytime and 17oC to 22oC at night.

Asparagus tree is 6 months old, it grows upright and can reach heights up to about 2 meters and ramify. The leaves are smooth, such as needles, out of the book.

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